Dancing wraps, a 4th death and critical ending in sight

Yuri Ka has done it again, along with the wonderful cast & crew that has helped out to finish production! The shoot took approximately 5 days, although a couple of them were the easiest of shoots (not forgetting one long day which provided some kick-ass sun burn!). All in all it went fairly smooth, so I’m looking forward to getting into the editing room in a couple months (I have my last semester at university, so I’m waiting to cut the film when uni’s over, which gives me a fresh perspective when that time comes).

Our feature film The Near Death Experience has also been transformed into a 4th draft, so that’s coming along nicely. Michael seems to be able to get through drafts in record time whilst taking our suggestions into consideration, so that’s been a luxury!

Critical Killing, the neverending post production story also seems to be going in the right direction. The sound design is being worked on by SAE employees Todd Budden & Alex Walker as we speak.