The State Library of Western Australia, through PANDORA, is Australia’s Web Archive which was set up to enable the archiving and provision of long-term access to online Australian publications. They archive real world & online publications which they consider to have a lasting cultural value & national significance. Well, they have just contacted me to do this with the Contempovision Films website… Quite a surprise as i feel that the Contempovision story is just beginning…
On that note, Michael and i have come up with the 7th draft of my first feature ‘Cruel Acts of Kindness’. As well as the story and script based elements coming together – i feel like i am really starting to grasp exactly what this film is going to look like, which excites me very much. We’re also starting to meet key crew members which may possible be involved, as well as some actor/actresses which may be able to bring these characters to life.
I’m also reading quite a lot of books these days (more than the old university days anyway), mostly directly related to the style of film i wish to make now with this current feature and into the future – but that is a conversation far too lengthy for here and to have by myself with a blog (i want to try and keep any sanity i have left thank you very much).