Europe photo update

I’ve got a bunch of photos that I took over the past year which I haven’t got around to uploading; until now!

The majority of these are from my trip to Europe where i visited Germany, the homeland of my wife (including Köln, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Dresden, Hamburg & München). Then we traveled (by bus, plane or train) to other countries including the Netherlands (Amsterdam), Austria (Vienna), Hungary (Budapest), Slovakia (Bratislava), Poland (Krakow), Lithuania (Vilnius), Latvia (Riga) and Estonia (Tallinn). The architecture is an obvious draw card with old towns in every major city – which are absolutely stunning! The cultural overload was a highlight, with the people and foods exceeding expectations. Even the little things like cheap coffee (€1) was a bonus and an eye opener on how much us Australians are overpaying for goods (that generally don’t taste as good – ouch!). But if i was forced to choose a favourite – it would have to be a tie between Budapest and Köln.

Other photographs include places in Western Australia, a wedding, a concert (shot with terrible disposable 35mm camera) and of course a few of my dog Clash.

Check them out here.